Model Engine News
Members Plans

Last update: December 18, 2012

This page contains links to all the model engine plan sets released by Model Engine News. There are two types: ones available freely to all, and ones restricted exclusively to Model Engine News Members (if you are not a Member and want to join, click here). Each plan set takes a minimum of 40 hours to prepare. Some take a lot, lot longer. You are free to pass on copies of the public plans to anyone provided you acknowledge the source, and don't charge anything for them. The Members' only plans are licensed for the exclusive use of the original, registered DVD purchaser only. In other words, if your good buddy wants a copy, politely suggest he that becomes a Member so he can be a self-richeous pain in the proverbial too. Besides, if I starve, I can't produce more plan sets!

This set of links provides access to plan sets provided free to all:

   BJ (Boll/Jenkins) "Cicada" 1.3cc diesel
   Boll-Aero 18 diesel
   Clerget nine cylinder rotary
   Deller 1cc spark ignition
   Hallum 9.5cc Petrol Engine
   Pachasa Air Engine
   Schroeder "09" spark ignition
   Tiny SUPER 12.7cc spark ignition

Now the Members' only plans available through the Members Page:


In 2000, The Motor Boys put together a compilation of plans as a book and arranged for it to be sold through the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) under the stipulation that profits from sales go to the junior encouragement program. We have no numbers on sales, but in 2008, stocks finally ran out and despite requests from prospective buyers still being received, the AMA made a decision not to order another print run. As a special gift to MEN Members, the Motor Boys are pleased to make an updated edition of the MBI Plan Book available as a way of saying thanks for supporting the MEN website. The link will allow you to view or print the book. The plans have been licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 "Some Rights Reserved" license. This means that you can pretty much do what you like with it, except:

  1. You cannot sell copies of the book, nor any part of it.
  2. You cannot change it, nor include it or any part of it in another work; it must stay whole and unaltered.

The edition on this disk contains all the updates listed on the MBI Book Update page as of the date listed at the head of this page. I hope you enjoy the engines we chose and build them for real, or even just in your head.


Single copies of these and other Motor Boy Plans are available for between US$15 and $45, depending on the number of sheets and complexity. Delivery is electronic by return email.

Drop an email to [email protected] for details.