M5 Construction Log


When What
2002.8.15 Added Valve Cages
2002.8.08 Completed description of machining Vernal cylinder heads and Morton cylinder heads. Added section on Valve Cage Nuts and Valve Spring Caps.
2002.8.08 Added Rocker Arm section
2002.8.05 Added sections to Cylinder detailing Bore, Rocker Posts and Sparking Plugs.
2002.8.02 Completed description of Satra Cylinder Flange machining
2002.8.01 Added Vernal Cylinders section and updated Morton Cylinders section
2002.7.31 Added Link Rods section
2002.7.30 Added Master Rod section
2002.7.28 Changes and additions to Crankshaft assembly and Prop Hub (flying) sections
2002.7.27 Added Prop Hub (flying) section
2002.7.21 Added Motor Mount fabrication
2002.7.17 Added Gearcase Cover Plate machining
2002.7.16 Added Timing Gears and Stuff
2002.7.14 Happy Bastille Day! Added: Satra Gearcase - Stage 2 and Stage 3 for both Crankcase and Gearcase.
2002.7.11 Added Satra Crankcase - Stage 2
2002.7.10 Added Boring for Bearings
2002.7.9 Reorginization of project pages. Added Satra Crankcase - Stage 1 and Satra Gearcase - Stage 1
2002.7.7 Added Valve making sequence




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